20 4th Avenue SW, Conrad, Montana 59425-2340
(located on the lower level of the Courthouse)
Corrine Rose, RS, Sanitarian
(406) 271-4020
(406) 450-5041 cell
Wednesday & Thursday; 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
(excluding holidays)
Services & Documents
Environmental Quality:
Drinking Water
Septic System Permits
Local Subsurface Wastewater Treatment Regulations
Onsite Subsurface Wastewater Treatment ARM 17.36.9
Montana Standards for Subsurface Wastewater Treatment
Public Health & Safety:
Montana Cottage Food Information
Temporary Food Establishments Guidance
Montana Communicable Disease Epidemiology Program
Rabies Resources
The Environmental Health Department addresses the interaction between human health and the environment. Through a variety of programs and services, the Department strives to provide public health protection, offer educational and training opportunities, supply timely and beneficial information, and enforce health protection standards as outlined by Pondera County, State of Montana, and Federal government guidelines. Our health is affected by the quality of air, land, food, and water resources. Maintaining and improving public health by managing those environmental factors that affect health is the goal of the County Sanitarian’s office.
The Sanitarian inspects all of the facilities that are licensed through the Food and Consumer Safety Section of the Department of Public Health and Human Services. This includes all food service and food manufacturing establishments such as restaurants, grocery stores, bars, and grain packaging businesses, public accommodations, trailer courts, RV parks, swimming pools, and licensed day care centers. Other responsibilities include: Communicable Disease Program, which includes reports of possible food borne illness and possible rabies exposure; and Department of Environmental Quality programs such as water quality, subdivisions, septic system permitting, solid waste, air quality, and the junk vehicle program.
Montana Department of Public Health
Montana Department of Environmental Quality